August 11, 2014 15 TWO NEW PUBLIC TOILETTES IN LOURMARIN: UN GRAND SOULAGEMENT It’s August and, as tourist season moves into full throttle in little Lourmarin—crowds bulging at the [...]
August 2, 2014 9 LOU PÉBRE D’AÏ IS A GREAT REASON TO MAKE A DETOUR TO LAURIS Aside from watching my daughter play soccer in Lauris, I never had a reason to get out of my car in this [...]
July 27, 2014 7 LA TOUR-D’AIGUES’ MARKET: A SMALL MARKET WITH A BIG BACKDROP For a small market, La Tour-d’Aigues’ market certainly has a dramatic backdrop. Every Tuesday, the open [...]
July 7, 2014 4 SAFFRON: THE OTHER FIELD OF PURPLE IN PROVENCE Deep in the heart of the pine, oak, and garrigue covered forests that lie between Mont Ventoux and Les [...]
June 22, 2014 2 LA FÊTE DE LA MUSIQUE IN LOURMARIN The great part of staying in a maison village–home in the village–is that you are in the thick of things. [...]
June 7, 2014 6 THERE’S MORE THAN ONE D-DAY June 6th marked the 70th anniversary of the Allied landing on the beaches of Normandy. I got a message early [...]
June 2, 2014 3 LOOKING FOR LAVENDER IN THE LUBERON The Luberon’s lavender season usually begins around the end of June and extends into August when harvesting [...]
May 24, 2014 11 BOUILLABAISSE, ROSÉ, AND RECIPES FOR THE ART OF LIVING IN PROVENCE Today’s post is coordinated with my friend David’s current Cocoa & Lavender post. David and I each [...]
May 18, 2014 5 OUR FORAY INTO PROVENCE REAL ESTATE CONTINUES WITH A SHEEPFOLD, A PARKING SPACE, A COURTYARD, AND A CAVE This is the second in a series of posts about buying, renting, and selling our property in Provence. [...]
May 4, 2014 11 FALLING IN LOVE WITH A VILLAGE IN PROVENCE AND TAKING THE LEAP TO BUY A HOME This is the first in a series of posts about buying, renting, and selling our property in Provence. It is [...]