June 17, 2012 11 CARRIÉRES DE LUMIÉRES: A COOL PLACE TO VISIT The Carrières du Val d’Enfer–the quarries in the Valley of Hell–have provided limestone for over 2000 [...]
March 25, 2012 17 WITH LAVENDER, ROSEMARY, AN OLD 2CV, AND A BIG HEART, L’OCCITANE EN PROVENCE WAS BORN Lavender is a magnet for tourists to Provence. Our post, “Lavender: A Flower Rooted in Sun-Drenched [...]
February 19, 2012 6 “VAN GOGH UP CLOSE” AT THE PHILADELPHIA MUSEUM OF ART: AN EXAMINATION OF LANDSCAPES FROM PROVENCE AND AUVERS AND A FEW STILL LIFES FROM PARIS, TOO Befittingly, perhaps, we arrived in Philadelphia to find frigid temperatures and falling snow, just as van [...]
October 16, 2011 16 JACQUELINE BRICARD WELCOMES NAÏF ARTISTS TO LOURMARIN Naïf art is that which takes inspiration from the soul. The artists who produce this style of work are [...]