September 16, 2013 8 THE PONT DU GARD, A MUST-SEE SITE, IS MY PICK FOR A SUMMER’S LAST HURRAH! Over the valley, from side to side, and ever so high in the air, stretch the three tiers of the tremendous [...]
August 18, 2013 4 AUGUST IN PROVENCE: TOO HOT AND CROWDED? August in Provence. It is hot and crowded. The line of cars inching their way along, hoping to snatch an [...]
July 21, 2013 8 A NICE TIME TO BE IN NICE: HAPPY ANNIVERSARY MUSÉE MATISSE! Nice was where we first touched down in the South of France. We were on our way to Aix-en-Provence and then, [...]
July 6, 2013 2 LE QUARTORZE JUILLET: CELEBRATING BASTILLE DAY Le Quartorze Juillet, also known as La Fête Nationale or, especially in English-speaking countries, simply [...]
June 9, 2013 9 THE CITROËN 2CV: I LOVE THAT TIN SNAIL I always wanted a Deux Chevaux. I first saw that much beloved French car when I first visited Paris in 1972. [...]
May 20, 2013 6 TAKING THE KIDS TO PROVENCE: WAXING NOSTALGIA AND RECOMMENDATIONS FOR A MEMORABLE FAMILY VACATION I offer my thoughts about taking the kids to the Luberon area of Provence, where we have many years of [...]
March 24, 2013 6 YES, VIRGINIA, THERE ARE THIEVES IN PROVENCE Yesterday I gave a talk to the International Women’s Club of New England. The subject was the [...]
March 17, 2013 6 LE CHÂTEAU DE LOURMARIN TO HOST RENAISSANCE FESTIVAL IN APRIL As we roll in to our favorite village in Provence, I always feel good when I see Lourmarin’s charming [...]
March 3, 2013 11 ÉDITH PIAF DIED 50 YEARS AGO BUT HER ICONIC SONGS LIVE ON Last weekend brought another snowy Sunday to New England….and to parts of Provence. It snowed unusually [...]
February 24, 2013 2 AMOUR’S JEAN-LOUIS TRINTIGNANT HAILS FROM PROVENCE… AND OTHER AMOUR TIDBITS TO DROP AT TONIGHT’S OSCAR PARTY Amour has captured the hearts of movie-buffs, critics, and those that bestow those coveted awards every year. [...]